Amazon polygel kit review

Before I start with the review, let me tell you

What is Polygel?

Polygel is a special kind of formula for sculping nails. It is a hybrid of hard gel and acrylics. Gels are extremely soft and acrylics are hard. But PolyGel is somewhat in the middle of both. It is neither very soft nor very hard but a semi-solid formula. It gives a very natural looking nails. 
PolyGel is light but stronger than hard gels. It is 23% lighter than acrylics and 16% lighter than traditional hard gels creating strong, natural feeling nails with no sacrifice to durability.
This formula is a revolutionary discovery to create the perfect looking nails all the time.

Now, let's start with the review and step by step demonstration.

This is the kit that I have received from Amazon. Honestly speaking,  I did not like the packaging. It was flimsy and not sturdy at all. I expected cardboard packaging.

These are the products that came in this kit. These are the minimum products in order to start with PolyGel. As you gain experience, you will be needing much more products to get the perfect look.
The kit contains 3 PolyGels ( transparent, soft pink and natural pink ), 1 100 grid filer, 1 nail clip, 15ML slip solution, 100 duel forms, and a duel end brush.

Steps For Application

STEP 1: Before starting with the procedure, you need to prep your nails nicely. Nice prep nails are very important if you want your nails to be long-lasting.

This is how my nails looked like before prepping the nails.

Start by removing the old nail polish with a nail polish remover.

Clip your nails to the desired length.
My original nails were quite long so I clipped it to medium length.

Remove the excessive cuticles.

File the nails to remove the top shiny layer and make the surface rough for better adhesion of the product. If you don't file the nails then the PolyGel will not stick to your nails firmly. 

This is how your nails should look after filing it.

STEP 2: The kit is provided with duel forms. Select the duel forms according to your nail bed and arrange it. Make sure the duel form reach your cuticle area and covers from side wall to side wall. If you don't find the perfect shape that matches your nail bed, then just file the duel form according to your convenience. 

I have arranged the duel forms and kept it aside for easy reach. 

STEP 3: Take a small amount of PolyGel with the help of the spatula provided in the kit and put it inside the duel form. Dip the brush in the slip solution and mold the PolyGel with it. Remember to use the slip solution otherwise the PolyGel will stick to the brush and you will not be able to mold the product at all.

*Keep the product thin along the cuticle area and the tip of the nail. But keep it thick in the middle area as it is the area that helps to keep the PolyGel attached to your natural nails.

STEP 4: Gently press the dual form against your nail and make sure to go close to the cuticle but not touch it. If some product spill out then just clean it up with the brush to prevent lifting.

* Always smooth the underside of the nail because if you don't do so then it will create a hump that nobody wants.

* Clip the dual form for better adhesion and secure placement with a clipper provided in the kit.

STEP 5: Cure the nail under LED Lamp for 60 seconds. Use a 48-watt lamp. If you use a lamp having less than 48-watt then you need to cure the nail for 2 minutes.

* Check if the product has cured completely, if not, then just cure the nail upside down for another 30 seconds.

STEP 6: After the nail is completely cured, wiggle the duel form and it will come off easily.

This is how the nails look like after removing the duel forms.

STEP 7: This nails already looks pretty good but you have to file them to get the desired shape and to remove the top shiny layer.

This is how the nails look after filling.

STEP 8: Paint the nails with a top coat and you are done with pretty looking nails.

STEP 9 (OPTIONAL): You can put on nail polish if you wish to.

STEP 10: After you are done with all the steps don't forget to apply some cuticle oil to the cuticles to give back the hydration.


My experience with this PolyGel kit from Amazon was pretty good. Apart from the packaging, all the products were good and easy to use. This kit is an affordable alternative to the Gelish PolyGel. This kit is best for beginners as it contains every product a beginner needs to do her own nails at home. You will have to purchase the LED lamp separately if you want to get this kit. Though there are other PolyGel kits in Amazon with LED lamps. I bought the LED lamp separately from Amazon itself.
Altogether my experience with this kit was pleasant. I would highly recommend this kit.✌

If you are interested in PolyGel kit from Amazon, check the provided links below.




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